
So this may be more of a philosophical post about life, and those paths we take which take us somewhere. So much has happened through the last year in my life, so many changes and new paths I've decided to take which always lead to a change that I started to think of all this. I remember a favourite quote of mine once used to be 'Every beginning is a consequence. Every beginning ends something'. And until we realise and think of this every minute of our lives, we will never be completely happy. First, to think cold and not let instant emotions lead us. Second, to think well of all the risks of that path and all the consequences. Third, to have the guts to take those consequences of our actions once we acted and learn from them. Because the game is all about play and you ever win? That's something you can tell in the end.

Sometimes we learn aching and sometimes laughing. The thing is we will always learn until the end, always something new, always suffer certain situation which we haven't experienced before. And as that would be the first time, we would have to think well of alll the paths, all the risks and all the consequences. And even if we did, we're not safe not to be wrong. And basically that's the funny and at the same time risky rollercoaster of life. Every action has a reaction, therefore we draw our own picture of life ourselves. Just make sure you do it carefully, cause in the end you can't borrow anything from it. Stains will always remain on it.

Oh, and 3 last things....

What a wonderful world it can be...

Find home.

Believe in destiny.

And listen to Zero 7.

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