What was supposed to be something similar to this

                                                                     Ended up like this

I remember when I was quite young and started to listen techno music, the love parade was one of my "role events" I always wanted to attend. It has history, and it's held in Germany since 1989.
This year there were over 1.4 million attendants when the organization expected 700-800 thousand...

I'm not saying that there's a good way to die, but going somewhere to have fun, release all your negative energy and turn it into positive, together with many people you don't know and with music...this makes me very sad. Lately so many catastrophic events are happening, I just think the world has gone crazy. I remember now, some years ago how that crazy lunatic opened fire at Carl Cox party somewhere in latin america and killed people...
It's needless to discuss how they thought it would just be one of those unforgettable days in partying. And I cannot remain silent in front of this tragedy.
As you can see in the second video some of the people which were near the wall could get their way out climbing, but what about the thousands that were in the middle, or elsewhere!? Well 20 of them didin't make it.
I'm not sure if there should be someone responsible for this, but all I say is that these things were not happening so often before.
RIP to all the victims in this sad sad story and support for all their families and friends.

After what happened the festival, which began in 1989, has been canceled and won't continue out of respect for the victims.
More info for what exactly happened and images here:


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