Ok, so finally a week 'holidays' coming for me. It's going to be at the same rhythm as my day to day, as I will leave Barcelona tonight to go to spend 3 days in Sofia and 2 and a half in my hometown (which are 5 hours drive one from another).
Crazy as that! But the matter of time won't change my evil plans of eating as much as I can that unbelievably-incredible food my of my country,

fitting as much people as I can in my schedule, taking advantage in prices, doing as many beauty treatments as I can,

shooting a countless and exagerated number of photos as usual (now with one of the most amazing digital non pro camera  Lumix DMC-LX3

and buying excessive number of books!

I really fill myself with good energy when I go back to Bulgaria, because after all it's my people, my culture. I almost always get also quite angry with people, but that's normal for us who live abroad. Funny stories are expected as usual!
So more to come on the road soon!

Hasta la vista!

This email I just received on background of D'julz Live at Unit, Tokyo just made my weekend!
....plus weather is sooo amazing that I think I already started to see evrything like in those ironical videos ( everything pink, flowers, everyone smiling - 40 days and 40 nights a perfect example ).
Updates on Dubai party soon!

I can compare this funny fish, always looking angry with many people around us. Looking proud, ignorant, bad and self-confdent, always fighting against the world around. It's something I see in many of the faces which surround us lately. Unfortunately, it looks really lonely and we only buy it dead and stuffed at some summer resort and even then we cannot touch it.

Some wikipedia info:

Puffer fish are the second most poisonous vertebrate in the world, the first being a Golden Poison Frog. The skin and certain internal organs of many tetraodontidae are highly toxic to humans

The puffer's unique and distinctive natural defenses are a compensation for their particular form of locomotion. Puffers use a combination of pectoral, dorsal, anal, and caudal fins ( aka all sources ) for propulsion that make them highly maneuverable but very slow, and therefore comparatively easy targets for predators. As a defense mechanism, puffers have the ability to puff, or to inflate rapidly, filling their extremely elastic stomachs with water (or air when outside the water) until they are almost spherical in shape. Thus, a hungry predator stalking the puffers may suddenly find itself facing what seems to be a much larger fish and pause, giving the puffers an opportunity to retreat to safety. When lifted out of water there is a risk that puffers inflate with air. This may result in problems deflating again afterwards.

Sophisticated, chic and elegant is how I could describe Lanvin's SS'10 collection dominating in black, grey, beige and red.

The french house opened in 1909 when Jeanne Lanvin's clothes she made for her daughter attracted many people. One of the most influencial dedsigners in the 30's Jeanne dies in 1946 when ownership and lead of the company has been taken from her daughter.

Current designers for the company are mostly italians right now and the company is still one of the best and oldest fashion houses. Though ownership and design dept has changed many times through the years it's still shocking how beautiful and symmetric their clothes are.

SS'10 collections is just a perfection. Here, some shots of her and some of her dresses I found in internet plus my personal picks and faves of the SS'10 collection.

Great peace I just found out at Rachel Zoe's website.
I'm amazed by Lanvin SS'10 and AW'10 collection and when I find some time these days I'll try to post some highlights.

Cameras, drama, Montjuic, unexpected meetings, compromises, Mac Book Air, chocolate, sleepless nights, redecorating, hidden photos, change...and for a conclusion of all, Mary J.Blige...welcome to my weekend!

Minimal, stylish, clean and the shapes are amazing...

Extremelly impressed by this guy's bio having in mind his age!
Move the vinyl at 'The Man' and check out his bio and CV.
Is it that he went to America?


If someone asked me if there was an eternal tune, mix, set or album for me it would not take much time for me to answer 'yes'. And it is Hotel Costes compilations harmonically selected by frenchie Stephane Pompougnac. Heard them first time in 1999 and totally fell in love with those amazing jazzy-lounge tracks. The selection of each album is unique, one and only and the sound never grows old.

Hotel Costes is an actual hotel in France at Rue Saint-Honore one of the most posh parts of Paris, found by the bothers Jean-Louis y Gilbert Costes in 1991 and designed by Jacques Garcia. The hotel is barroco italiano style and the terrace and lounge bar have happened to be an often visited place by models and movie stars attracted by Stephane's sessions which gives the beginning of Hotel Costes cd compilation.

If you still haven't got them yet don't even open my blog anymore until you do - http://www.hotelcostes.com/

Personally I have all the albums and especially this amazing anniversary velours box with a single drawer for each cd.  Also have the Hotel Costes 10 specially signed for me from Stephane ( I'm a sick fan, I know ). But these albums represent my life. Have been listening through them all over again in all kind of moments, in ups and downs, in every part of the world I've been. They're precious to me! I just ordered the last album - Hotel Costes 12 and can't wait to add it to my collection.

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