I know I've been away for a while again, but there's a good excuse for it and a good result most importantly.

Before getting into details, I want to wish the best this Christmas and lots of luck and love for the upcoming year to my followers! Thanks to every person out there from Sydney, Moscow, Tokyo, London, New York, Paris, Rome, Sofia, Barelona, etc to Iran, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Canada, etc. for just being there and clicking which made me go on with this blog during this year.

Now, what's been keeping me busy in the last 2 months was the opening of our shop in Barcelona - Skulls Barcelona. Basically the idea is to sell brands which are not available in city or even the country. Most of them are American, plus some product from Japan, such as Medicom toys. Shoes and clothing lines are in between streetwear and fashion which I've always described as a sport elegant style.

Some of our brands are:
You can click on each name to visit the bran's website


- Freshjive 
- Staple
- Generic Surplus
- Supra
- Krew
- Obbey
- Artisanat Et Creations
- Mishka 
- Worldwide


- Wildfox Couture
- Hellz Bellz
- Obey


- Retro Super Future sunglasses
- Nixon watches
- Demeter fragrances  (grass, tomato, rain, forest, sex on the beach, leather, snow, and many more odors)
- Medicon Japan Toy Co
- Uncommon art graphic iphone cases
- Mook Japan

The oficial opening was held last Tuesday, 22 where closest friends and bloggers were invited to celebrate the event with jazz music, champagne and a little pica pica the spanish way.
Thanks to my friends Lora, Milena, Michel, Alina, Peter, Saporito & Middleton, Raul and all the rest who came that night to celebrate it with us.

I am in this case managing the shop, so if anyone needs any information about products, stocks etc you can contact me.

Our opening hours are 10:30am - 14:00pm and 16:00pm - 20:00pm

In this case I will be updating this and the shop's blogs with new product and events coming

You can follow our blog at www.skullsbarcelona.com and facebook here

This also means that yes, after two years in the Nike family I quit my job to be able to dedicate myself to this, to studying at IED and moving on with my styling projects.

Soon I will launch my own webpage where I will post some new shoots not released until now!

Stay tuned and welcome the new 2011 with smiles! It's gonna be an exciting year!

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