If I go back in the years whether 2, 5, 10 or 25 there's always been this person, not family by blood but really considered as my family - my best friend Zornitsa. From the times we lived in the same building when we were born, playing 2 year old infants, the time when she knocked on our door when we were 4 and she came straight to my room pushing away my mother and sticking a pencil without the graphite and the sharp wood in my eye for taking her dolls while she was away (i still have that scar), through our crazy teenage years passing the limits of the possible, till now each time we meet we turn into those 4 year old girls and behave like ones.
This post though is related not so much to friendship, but kind of dedicated to her creative mind and her career which is just about to bloom. She's almost graduated fashion design student, and she just won the prize for a fashion designer at Miss Bulgaria 2010. The contest was about doing a gown and the one that wins will be worn by the chosen beauty of Bulgaria this year. Not only that, but the winner would have to design the dress for the miss presenting Bulgaria at Miss Universe! Yaw! Big Deal!
On the other hand her styles are very feminine, boho, fresh and summmerish, attracting a lot of attention, with the colour of the fabric, the details or the style itself. I'm waiting myself some dresses from her, customized for me. I hope this post will double the number.
So my little friend whose face never changed for me since we were kids, just won this contest and her work has been evaluated and appreciated by many professionals so far.
I'm extremely happy for this new beginning she's facing and be sure that soon you'll be searching to buy her clothes through the internet.
Some details in shots from some of her works below (I know it's cheesy me being the model, but we didn't have many other options).

 And meanwhile I write this beast is sleeping ON MY PILLOW here by my side...

Me and Zornitsa...

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